A whole excuse for a waste of space called Kim Kardashian
(You can breathe now, West) - GETTY IMAGES
On the American The Today Show, Kim said that the entire family has supported Bruce Jenner's decision on becoming a woman, however, she added later "I think there is still an adjustment and there's family therapy and we're really close".
Let's see the facts: First of all, they're no longer a family. Divorce is a real thing and Kim should know that. We've all stopped counting her exes... Even Wikipedia has.
Second of all, who needs family therapy in order to accept one's sexual orientation? On the other hand, it should not shock us whatsoever, since the Kardashians need family therapy even when the Starbucks barista misspells their name.
The only adjustment Kim obviously needs is a sterilisation because this creature still can reproduce, and by the turn of events (and quite predictable ones), she will give birth to another child from some another random celebrity (possibly a sex tape star) and will name the child after GPS coordinates... Longitude or Altitude, perhaps.
Long story short, Kim Kardashian doesn't flush, so she has a maid to do the job for her and married a balloon-fish.
Anyway, follow, comment and tweet! @RodzWilliams
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