Katie Hopkins: Brilliant, but almost deadly

Hello everyone! I bet all of you have heard of Katie Hopkins. She is a lady who seems to know all about every social matter.
She's the one who says that if people are too fat, they should not be hired for a job, she doesn't trust children with weird names and says women are very bitchy and competitive when working alongside with other women and much more. Just google her and you'll find out more!
Truth hurts, but needs to be said. Katie speaks that truth and is quite "right to the point". I don't think that if someone is quite fat, they shouldn't be working, that's just mean, but I actually understand what Katie means. If you run a business company, every single person who works on it, will represent that company, so they need to be normal sized.
Katie is also a " stream of fresh air" on opinion makers, because she says whatever she has to say and doesn't care about what people think, because she inly means what people actually think. It's amazing how hypocrite a society can be, and guess what? She slaps hypocrisy in the face with her words. They're not kind, but they're effective. Most people say Katie is a "selfish and unhappy bitch" for several reasons: She goes too straight to the point, she is very direct, she doesn't know kindness in her words and so on, but if you try to alienate yourself from society and think about what it thinks of you, you will see we're living a fat lie. Katie just cleans your sight and makes you see what needs to be seen. Besides, she's funny. I laugh a lot with everything she says.
Here's a video so you can keep up with the devil! (in a good way, she's brilliant!)
Now think: What Would Katie Do?

If you want to see something really funny, just tweet me and I'll send you the funniest rap ever made starring Katie Hopkins! @RodzWilliams

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