Brad Pitt Oversteps Angelina Jolie's Boundaries

Brangelina have the most photographed kids in the world, that's for sure. Now, the III war is in paradise.
The trouble rounds around Brad Pitt decision of casting their son Maddox in a small role World War Z. Apparently, Jolie is not a big fan of her offspring exposure to the cameras on purpose. - "And she's putting her foot down!", says Star.

Now the real war is between the couple themselves.

“She told Maddox that’s the last time he’ll headline a movie,” said a "source" of the magazine who seems to not know what "Headlining a movie" actually means.

The "non-reachable" Star insider still adds: “Brad is laid-back and thinks the kids should follow their bliss. Angie used to feel the same but had a change of heart after her [double mastectomy] surgery.”
“More and more, Angie sees Hollywood as frivolous and soul-sucking. She’d much rather see her children become doctors or politicians,”

Perhaps Bradie needs to slow down his decisions and consult her wife first or Angie's overprotection will blast him with the divorce!

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