Justin Bieber off the rails!

Hey fans of Biebers who are going to sue me after they read this post!

After Justin Bieber drove his friends (Lil Twist and  Lil Za) out of his house for robbing him, he is causing controversy. This time, his attitude is being criticized even by his fans.
The Biebs was spotted by a fan while visiting the Great Wall of China, so she captured the moment. In the first photo post onto Twitter, she says "I'd never run, but if Justin Bieber is skateboarding, I'll run after him". Back in the moment, the Biebs was skateboarding while his bodyguards were running after him. In the second one, Justin was sighted climbing the Great Wall of China not on his feet, but being carried up by one his guys!

Yeah, Justin.... I think he's quite sad now that Taylor Swift said she's not a big fan of his, so he kind of needs to do this stuff. I mean, Justin is nice and stuff, but he really needs to grow up a little. Oh, and buy a shirt!

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