Bullshit Perez!
Hey guys, it's me again!
I wanted to talk about this months ago, so I'm doing it now.
PEREZ HILTON hurts people using his stupid blog to evil. He attacked everyone for the most idiotic reasons, like 'that guy is wearing a sweatshirt', or 'that girl went topless'. Well, I don't even know why someone says that kind of stuff when they are definitely quite far from being perfect, because Perez Hilton is not anyone's idea of beauty.
Let's get serious, Perez either must be suffering inside from a lack of a high ego or he's got some sort of mental illness. The first time I read his blog, I just thought 'why is this fat man, who cannot even pass by a door, speaking ill about all these people?'. And why do people listen to him now? He's like a dinosaur, his skin is flaccid just like a hippo and he looks like a drug dealer now.
Everytime I see a homeless on the street, it reminds me of Perez.
With all the bad things he rumoured and did to everyone who has seen their faces posted on his blog, he deserves to fall. Everything he does is a coward way of bullying. Don't even bother to record a video about how hard you got punched in the face again. That's stupid, and you totally deserved it. Thanks, Will. i. Am.!
So, PEREZ, I don't know what kind of chubby kid you were, but you still are.
You Know You Love Me.
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