J.B. And Selena, They. Are. Back!

Hey Gossipers!


You know what they say, "history tends to repeat itself", and so it did!
The Biebs has admitted to be kind of in love with Selena Gomez AGAIN! Were you expecting this?
They are not afraid to show their love for each other and the photo speaks for itself!

Yea, you heard alright! Justin Bieber has posted a photo online where you can see Selena cuddling him from behind!

Me, myself and I do want to know your opinion on this! Do you find this relationship good? Would you approve it if it was up to you to approve it? Well, I think they'll marry someday!

I just imagine what Perez Hilton, the eternal fatty, has to say about they getting back together... Anyway, They shouldn't care about that creature!

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You Know You Love Me, R!

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