Charlie Sheen to write a memoir about his career and HIV test results! - Stupid much?!

Hi guys! Beware because sh*t is going down!

When I heard that Charlie Sheen was actually planning to write a book about his crazy acting career and HIV test results, I was like "So... is he actually into writing? like, with words and stuff?".

According to Entertainment Tonight, Charlie will really do that! We can probably expect more of it, right? The book is also likely to answer some more questions... The ones we really want to know about. For instance, the whole fetish of him about her porn star exes. That's probably the reason why he got the virus. Let's be frank, he was never an example of safe sex, or safe anything, for that matter. Plus, what about his conscience? He probably passed the virus around when he got to sleep with all the women... while spanking them, isn't that right Denise Richards?
All we know for sure, is that if he actually writes this memoir, A LOT of people will be so pissed off! Omg, maybe he's got a list!


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